Thursday, March 12, 2009


Weston, Happy Birthday!!!!! I cant believe your turning 12, where does time go. We are so proud of all you do. Thanks for being such a good kid and a good helper. Mom and dad love you very much. Hope you have a good day. Happy birthday!!!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

He's a lineman

it's offical, Scott took his lineman test yesterday and PAST. He's finally a lineman, its what hes always wanted to do. Scott, we are so proud of you. Thanks for always bettering yourself for your family, We love you. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


happy birthday to hayden !!!!!!!!!!!!! our valentines baby, I cant believe your already 8, you have grown up so fast. We are so proud of all the things you have done so far in your life, you are truly a miracle and so glad to have you as our son. Hayden we love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Happy Valentines day to everyone.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


just wanted to wish Scott a happy birthday, 36 years old today!!!!!!! babe just want you to know you are a wonderful husband and dad. Happy birthday, we love you.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday HARRISON

JANUARY 27, 2002
I cant believe it, 7 years ago my baby was born. Harrison, mom and dad love you so much, we are so glad you are our son. Thanks for always making us laugh. we love you.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Greenwich 2008

Last summer we loaded up the boys and the 4-wheelers and headed down to Scott's grandma's old house in Greenwich. Jewel (Scott's mom) met us there. We had so much fun, we rode the 4-wheelers everywhere we went. We went fishing and got rained on, we went on lots of trails up the mountain, up to the fields to see and hear big bull elk. Being up there reminded Scott of how much fun he used to have when he was a boy. We cant wait to go again this year.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

These are 2 month old pictures but I'm just trying to get the hang of the blog thing. Hope everyone had a Happy New Year. We are all back to school, and I am back to work, it was hard I have been off since Nov. 12, with Hayden. Hayden was able to have home hospital help and his teacher came to the house 2 days a week for an hour each time so that he didn't fall to far behind missing that much school. Scott is working hard and alot. If he ever has free time he is studing for his lineman test he will be taking in february. I cant believe his apprenticeship is almost over, it seems just like the other day(3 years ago) he started.

On our way home

It was a long 2 weeks in the hospital with lots of ups and downs, but look how good he looks. WERE GOING HOME. This is Hayden dressed in normal comfy clothes ready for home. We made it home the day before Thanksgiving. I would like to thank all my family and friends for all the love and support they gave us during this time. I dont know how I can ever repay you all. Thank you so very much.

The first image of our hero, Hayden

This is the first look of Hayden after his heart surgery on Nov.13 2008. He was in surgery for a little over 3 hours. It took about 5 hours though before we got to see him again. That's an awful long time to wonder if your little guy is OK. We finally got the call that he was in the ICU recovering. He had tubes coming out all over, 3 Drain tubes coming out of his chest, 5 IVs and his tube down his throat. He was in ICU for 2 days then he moved to a regular room on the surgical floor at Primary childrens. Haydens procedure was called Fontan procedure, in which they hooked the superior vena cava to the pulmonary artery(they directed the red oxygenated blood to the body and the blue oxygen- poor blood to the lungs). In other woords the just fix his little heart to work at its best with only 3 valves, Hayden was born without the Tricuspid valve and a couple of other heart defects. A day can not go by that I dont look at him and thank the lord for miracles cuz Hayden truly is one.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I hope I am doing this right. I have so much to learn about blogging so bear with me. So much has happened in the last couple of months with our family. In November Hayden (7) had his third heart surgery. It was a scary one, well all are scary I guess, anyway this one was called the Fontan Procedure, they rerouted things in his heart to make it still work, to give him more energy and make him less blue. The surgery it self went awesome, it is truly amazing the wonderful things heart surgeon's can do. He had 4 chest tubes and 1 keep giving us troubles, so we ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks, got out the day before Thanksgiving. So as you can imagine our Thanksgiving was wonderful. All my family came up to Lehi. Christmas now has come and gone, but what a great one we had. The boys got everything they wanted plus more. PSP, 22 rifles, WII games, Star wars guys, to much to write. I got a nice new camera so hopefully you will be seeing pictures and lots of them. Hope you all have a Happy New Year.